

Tungsten means “Heavy Stone” in Swedish language, and its chemical symbol W was developed from the German word “Wolfram”. Tungsten was identified as a new element in 1781 and first isolated as a metal in 1783, it is an element with atomic number 74 and treated as an exotic element.

Tungsten is a remarkable element for its robustness. It has an extremely high melting point at 3,422°C (6,192°F) and boiling point at 5,930°C (10,710°F), which enable all common manufacturing process feasible on tungsten. Agescan gives you a wide variety of selections such as bar, block, ball, sheet, plate and much more.

Pure tungsten’s density is 19.25g/cc (0.7lbs/in3), reaching the same level of uranium and gold, 1.7 times of lead and 2.4 times of iron. In addition to its high gravimetric density, its high radiographic density makes it an ideal material to shield or collimate the x and g radiation. Today, tungsten is widely applied in areas such as industry, military, medical, electronics, energy, health care and beyond.